Finished my semester a week ago and now its holidays.
No plans for this holidays because me and honey also no money. We planned to work but none of us could find jobs. Honey got a job at La Senza in Pyramind but had to start work before our finals so she didn't take up the job. Honey, dont regret it ba.
Back in Seremban now. Spent the entire of last week in Sunway. We played badminton with Casson, Cath, Alvin and his gf on Friday and then went cycling with honey and her sisters on Sunday.
Went and watch a movie with her on Sunday too. We watched "Watchmen" which was actually another waste of time show. Makes no sense. Not those type of movies where the heroes kicks enemy asses and save the day. Instead, its a movie which kicks their own allies ass and saves the world by blowing up half the world. Protectors huh ? Dont watch that movie. Seriously. Waste of money and time. Its almost 3 hours long.
After movie went to honey's house for steamboat. Ate with her 3rd sister and her fiance. After dinner chatted with her mum a while then went back to sunway.
So what's on my agenda for my holidays ?
Let's see..
- spend my entire morning sleeping until mid day.
- play FM, 3 kingdoms and Utopia for the entire day.
- catch up on some chinese drama (addicted to it thanks to honey)
- finish reading up New Moon.
- SMS and chatting with honey.
- save money
- eat .. and eat .. and .. eat.
- sleep .. and sleep .. and .. sleep
That's all for now.
finally got update..
wei, ask her get a job in LaSenza la..
can get discount from her ma. >.<
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