Sunday, September 7, 2008

Breaking of a bond.

I used to have this kind and lovable friend who is really friendly. Knew her since I was in form 3 if I'm not mistaken. We became close and we sort of became brother and sisters and that relationship has lasted until today.

But somehow, this friend of mine, like everybody else, changed. Not for the better but seems like getting worse in every way. I'm not the only person who say this, everyone does. Except for herself. Seriously, I don't know what is going through her mind. And I don't think I will bother anymore. Just not worth my time bothering about all this. I'm not mean or anything. Maybe it's the right thing for me to do. Our relationship have deteriorated a lot since the last time and I think it's time for end this brother and sister relationship. I don't really want a sister with this kind of personality.

I'm sorry.


[-FrOzEnStAr-] said...

We knew each other since form 4.

In every way I am worst and everyone says that except me myself.

Thank for letting me know the truth in your heart and mind.

I really appreciate that =)